Digital Marketing

Welcome to Propaganda Solutions, your trusted partner for holistic digital success. In today's highly competitive digital landscape, it's crucial to harness the power of holistic digital marketing to ensure your business reaches its full potential. Our strategy encompasses not just Search Engine Marketing (SEM) but also integrates Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, and Online Reputation Management to build a comprehensive online presence. From strategic planning to tactical execution, we combine the best of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with creative and engaging content as well as targeted social media campaigns to achieve maximum visibility and drive qualified traffic to your website.


Our Approach

Every detail might not be equal but every detail is important, even the small ones.

Recent testimonials

Niklas Rotter


PS helped us building a website and Setting our social media. That PS and all members did everything to support us and the project.

Facebook Advertising

What is Facebook Advertising?

Facebook Advertising is a powerful tool for businesses to target and engage with audiences on Facebook. It offers various ad formats and detailed targeting options based on user demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Our Approach to Facebook Advertising

Emphasize creating tailored, impactful ads that resonate with specific audience segments. Utilize Facebook's extensive targeting capabilities to reach potential customers effectively and drive desired actions.

Services we provide:

Improvement Facts

Facebook Advertising strategies

Facebook Ads have an average click-through rate (CTR) of 1.11%, making them one of the most effective tools for reaching and engaging a targeted audience online.

About Service

Facebook Advertising service leverages advanced targeting and diverse ad formats to connect with audiences on Facebook, driving engagement, brand awareness, and conversions.

Facebook Advertising setup process:

Account and Page Setup

Create a Facebook Business Page and set up an advertising account.


Objective Definition

Define specific campaign goals such as brand awareness, lead generation, or sales.


Audience Selection

Use Facebook's detailed targeting options to identify and reach your ideal audience.


Ad Creation

Design engaging ads with compelling copy and visuals tailored to your audience and objectives.


Budget Allocation

Set a budget that aligns with your campaign goals and audience reach.


Ad Placement Decision

Choose optimal ad placements across Facebook and its network, including Instagram and Messenger.


Performance Monitoring

Regularly track ad performance, analyzing metrics like reach, engagement, and conversions.


Campaign Optimization

Continuously refine your ads based on performance data for maximum impact.


Reporting and Insights

Provide comprehensive performance reports and insights for ongoing campaign improvement.

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