Digital Marketing

Welcome to Propaganda Solutions, your trusted partner for holistic digital success. In today's highly competitive digital landscape, it's crucial to harness the power of holistic digital marketing to ensure your business reaches its full potential. Our strategy encompasses not just Search Engine Marketing (SEM) but also integrates Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, and Online Reputation Management to build a comprehensive online presence. From strategic planning to tactical execution, we combine the best of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with creative and engaging content as well as targeted social media campaigns to achieve maximum visibility and drive qualified traffic to your website.


Our Approach

Every detail might not be equal but every detail is important, even the small ones.

Recent testimonials

Niklas Rotter


PS helped us building a website and Setting our social media. That PS and all members did everything to support us and the project.

Google Search Ads

What is Google Search Ads?

Google Search Ads are a powerful way to reach potential customers. They show up in Google search results and across various websites, popping up when people search for terms related to your business. It's cost-effective, as you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, making it a smart choice for businesses looking to boost their online presence and attract more customers.

Our Approach to Google Search Ads

Identify the most lucrative segments/categories. Meticulously select keywords to maximize reach. Create ad texts to resonate with your target audience. Implement effective bidding strategies to ensure cost-efficiency. Additionally, set up comprehensive conversion tracking and call tracking to optimize ad performance and return on investment.

Services we provide:

Improvement Facts

Google Search Ads strategies

Improvement Facts: We increased the click-through rate by 50% for Sektor Company, resulting in higher website traffic and improved lead generation.

About Service

With PPC advertising, your brand can instantly appear at the top of search engine results, ensuring maximum visibility and driving immediate traffic to your website.

Google Search Ads setup:

Account Setup

We begin by creating your Google Ads account, ensuring all settings align with your business needs for optimal campaign management.


Goal Definition

We define clear advertising goals, whether it's increasing website visits, sales, or brand awareness, tailoring strategies to achieve these objectives.


Keyword Research

Our team conducts thorough keyword research, selecting terms that your potential customers frequently use, maximizing your ad's reach and relevance.


Ad Creation

We craft engaging and persuasive ad texts, using compelling language and calls-to-action that speak directly to your target audience's needs and interests.


Bidding Strategy

We develop a smart bidding strategy, focusing on cost-effectiveness to get the best return on your investment while staying within your budget.


Targeting Options

We fine-tune targeting settings, including demographics and location, to ensure your ads reach the right audience at the right time.


Conversion Tracking

Setting up conversion tracking allows us to measure the success of your ads in real-time, ensuring we're driving the results you desire.


Call Tracking

We implement call tracking to provide a comprehensive view of how your ads lead to valuable customer interactions, enhancing future ad strategies.


Monitoring and Optimization

Our team continuously monitors ad performance, making data-driven adjustments for ongoing optimization and improved results.


Reporting and Feedback

We provide regular, detailed reports on your campaign's performance, keeping you informed and involved in the decision-making process.

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