Digital Marketing

Welcome to Propaganda Solutions, your trusted partner for holistic digital success. In today's highly competitive digital landscape, it's crucial to harness the power of holistic digital marketing to ensure your business reaches its full potential. Our strategy encompasses not just Search Engine Marketing (SEM) but also integrates Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, and Online Reputation Management to build a comprehensive online presence. From strategic planning to tactical execution, we combine the best of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with creative and engaging content as well as targeted social media campaigns to achieve maximum visibility and drive qualified traffic to your website.


Our Approach

Every detail might not be equal but every detail is important, even the small ones.

Recent testimonials

Niklas Rotter


PS helped us building a website and Setting our social media. That PS and all members did everything to support us and the project.

PPC Audit

What is a PPC Audit?

A PPC Audit is a thorough analysis of a pay-per-click advertising campaign, aimed at identifying areas of improvement, inefficiencies, and opportunities to enhance overall campaign performance and ROI.

Our Approach to PPC Audit

Focus on evaluating every aspect of PPC campaigns, including keyword selection, ad copy quality, targeting, bidding strategies, and conversion tracking, to ensure optimal performance and cost-effectiveness. We give recommendations and examples - what and how to improve and describe why.

Services we provide:

Improvement Facts

PPC Audit strategies

A PPC Audit can increase campaign efficiency by up to 30%, uncovering hidden opportunities to reduce costs and boost ad performance.

About Service

PPC Audit service meticulously analyzes and optimizes pay-per-click campaigns, identifying key areas for improvement to maximize effectiveness and ROI.

PPC Audit process:

Initial Campaign Analysis

Review current PPC campaigns, including structure, ads, and keywords.


Performance Metrics Evaluation

Assess key performance indicators like click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per conversion.


Ad Copy and Creative Review

Examine the effectiveness and relevance of ad copy and creative elements.


Keyword Analysis

Analyze keyword performance, relevance, and cost-effectiveness.


Bid Strategy Assessment

Evaluate current bidding strategies for efficiency and ROI.


Targeting and Audience Review

Examine targeting settings and audience segments to ensure alignment with campaign goals.


Landing Page Analysis

Review landing pages for relevance, user experience, and conversion optimization.


Conversion Tracking Check

Ensure accurate and effective conversion tracking mechanisms are in place.


Recommendations and Action Plan

Develop a comprehensive action plan with specific recommendations for campaign improvement.


Implementation Guidance

Offer guidance on implementing audit recommendations to improve campaign performance.

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